The above ground views of the
The perspective from the center of the memorial.
The rest of the memorial was underneath the stone blocks. It was a small, but very heavy emotionally. Dr. Moser led us down a staircase into an indoor, underground memorial. We first walked down a hallway and on the wall was a timeline from the start of the Jewish persecution in 1932 through the end of the war. In pictures and writing, it described the increasing segregation and mistreatment of the Jews in Germany over the fourteen years the Nazi Party held power. By the end of the timeline, Jews across all of central Europe had been either killed, interned, or run into hiding. By the time the Nazi Party had been overthrown in Germany, over six million Jews had been murdered.
After walking down the hall, we then walked into a dark room. The only light came from blocks on the floor, with first-hand written accounts from Jews themselves. These letters - the voices of many never to be heard or seen again - spoke about the horrid evils of being transported in livestock cars, work and death camps, gas chambers, shooting squads, mass graves, rape, and the impending feelings of fear and death.
In the same room across the top of all the walls were each European country's name and how many Jews were killed in each country.
Standing in that room was numbing. I had to sit down in the middle of the dark because I felt dizzy from standing. Six million people were murdered. I do not know a lot about genocides, but this act, this holocaust, was particularly... senseless. This was an organized, meticulously thought-out plan to exterminate a select group of humans from the Earth. These were innocent people, families - men, women, and children alike. And as I sat there, I contemplated how much I valued my life and the lives of others around me. I tried to multiply that by six million, but it was impossible to grasp. The Holocaust was six million voices silenced. Those are six million live, with six million unique experiences, thoughts, beliefs, and voices, with millions more relationships and people that loved and shared life with the world, gone.
As I walked through the remaining two rooms, the memorial touched on some of the lives and unique backgrounds of the victims. They discussed the heritage and lineage of some of the families, as well as the personal experiences of individuals. It was fascinating to hear about how people bonded together to survive in the imprisoned ghettos and concentration camps, making the most of their conditions. In the last room, a voice over the intercom narrated a brief summary of the life stories of a few victims. The audio was roughly a minute long for each. According to a plaque on the wall, if all six million's stories were briefly read in the same format, it would take six years, seven months, and 27 days.
"Survival is not a rule, it is an exception."
- Dr. Moser